Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Appendicitis Operation. 27 September 2008.

25 September 2008. The pain is not so bad but I somehow believe that something was wrong with my stomach. I tried to rest the same afternoon but could not hold it any longer when it comes after lunch time. Picked up my wife and she brought me to HCOS Hospital.

After thorough investigation to my stomach, USG, Blood Test, Urinal Test. I came back home waiting for the result and the same day, in the evening at around 7PM, hospital called in urging me to go back to the Hospital and there I was, admitted to the hospital.

So today marked the historical date that me, again, being admitted to the hospital for having Appendicitis operation that forever changed my live (meaning: Hey I am free from appendicitis in the next days or so)27 September 08. Dr, Sudjatmiko performed the operation on this very day.

Some of my friends came and see me, some got photographed and some didn't.

Here are some of the photos:

(True! Can't leave home without it)


1 comment:

dachie said...

wow.. dah sehat !
hidup dokter !!!
hidup suster !!!