Sunday, April 27, 2008

Macau and Hongkong 20-27 April 2008

Did a prewedding photos for 'Adi and Dian' and 'Romi and Grace' (yepp 2 couples) in Macau. I did a bit of travelling in between and some photos too ourselves...and erm.... amateur photos of ourselves (me and my wife) while we were in the city mostly taken by Hanny Kandou, and myself, erm.. also he is not very serious taking these shots hahahha (you can visit his site at )

We did have lots of funnnn

I love Macau, hey at least we won total of MOP$4,000.00 about Rp.4jt in Casinos (there are about 30 casinos in Macau) and we spent it all! Weather was fine... a bit rainy rainy and not so much sun... the clouds were all white and foggy...

We did visit Hong Kong on the 23 April by ferry (1 hour jet ferry) from Macau to Hongkong, they depart every hour 24HR!! we travelled by Super Class hehehe it costed about MOP$250.00 one way. We went to The Peak and erm.... took photos there (foggy lah)

Anyway here are the photos of me, my lovely wife(Lisa) and hanny :)

~Enjoy folks!~

Photos below were taken in Macau and just as it is lah... no editting haiyaa so tired lah only blog like this no need editting lahh hehehe :)

These pictures below taken in Hongkong also the same thing lah so "malessss" for editting lah.. just the original hehehe hope you enjoyyyy:

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