Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Susanto & Jessica, the prewedding things...

A little behind the scenes from Susanto & Jessica Prewedding in Sydney. Thanks to Susanto and Jessica for being so nice and kind to us while we were there. To Henry Lim, the cameraman, and my bro!! To Hary HVP, proud of you GUYS!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

May 13 Feel so lazy about anything

Today Wednesday May 13.

Hmmm do i need a booster? Waittt but actually I am doing a FUN PHOTO SHOOT tonight!!!! WOW.. NOW I AM ALIVE!

Thursday, March 26, 2009 menjual berbagai aksesoris untuk BlackBerry kamu dan juga gadget lainnya yang keren-keren.

Langsung saja datang ke untuk gadget kamu!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Appendicitis Operation. 27 September 2008.

25 September 2008. The pain is not so bad but I somehow believe that something was wrong with my stomach. I tried to rest the same afternoon but could not hold it any longer when it comes after lunch time. Picked up my wife and she brought me to HCOS Hospital.

After thorough investigation to my stomach, USG, Blood Test, Urinal Test. I came back home waiting for the result and the same day, in the evening at around 7PM, hospital called in urging me to go back to the Hospital and there I was, admitted to the hospital.

So today marked the historical date that me, again, being admitted to the hospital for having Appendicitis operation that forever changed my live (meaning: Hey I am free from appendicitis in the next days or so)27 September 08. Dr, Sudjatmiko performed the operation on this very day.

Some of my friends came and see me, some got photographed and some didn't.

Here are some of the photos:

(True! Can't leave home without it)


Friday, May 16, 2008

Portrait "Go Wild" 2008

May 13th - Portrait 'Go Wild' 2008.

All the crews of Portrait Studio and some crew members of Shop and Shop did an adventurous excursion to Probolinggo with Noars for a Rafting Adventure.

We did have a hell of a good time throughout the journey and back home safely with sore muscles and our throats hurt like hell!

We depart by bus early in the morning at 7.00 and arrived at the Noars base camp at around noon. Rafting time takes about 3 to 4 hours.

I am still waiting our photos to be developed from Noars photographer and once they deliver our photos, sure I will have this page updated.

We must do this again one day but not in a near distant future LOL (remembering these sore muscles)

Here are some photos of us:

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Macau and Hongkong 20-27 April 2008

Did a prewedding photos for 'Adi and Dian' and 'Romi and Grace' (yepp 2 couples) in Macau. I did a bit of travelling in between and some photos too ourselves...and erm.... amateur photos of ourselves (me and my wife) while we were in the city mostly taken by Hanny Kandou, and myself, erm.. also he is not very serious taking these shots hahahha (you can visit his site at )

We did have lots of funnnn

I love Macau, hey at least we won total of MOP$4,000.00 about Rp.4jt in Casinos (there are about 30 casinos in Macau) and we spent it all! Weather was fine... a bit rainy rainy and not so much sun... the clouds were all white and foggy...

We did visit Hong Kong on the 23 April by ferry (1 hour jet ferry) from Macau to Hongkong, they depart every hour 24HR!! we travelled by Super Class hehehe it costed about MOP$250.00 one way. We went to The Peak and erm.... took photos there (foggy lah)

Anyway here are the photos of me, my lovely wife(Lisa) and hanny :)

~Enjoy folks!~

Photos below were taken in Macau and just as it is lah... no editting haiyaa so tired lah only blog like this no need editting lahh hehehe :)

These pictures below taken in Hongkong also the same thing lah so "malessss" for editting lah.. just the original hehehe hope you enjoyyyy:

Monday, March 31, 2008

Fashion photo shoot - Military Base

We FINALLY did a fashion photo shoot in a military marine base somewhere, sorry but I have to keep the location TOP SECRET, else I will have my self killed or shot - hope not too soon. Weather was friendly at first but beginning to rain just before my models showed up. Rain was heavy and it was freezing cold. Thanks to all the people who've supported the photo shoot before , during and/or after the session. To all the marines, thank you, thank you, thank you! You guys are scaryyyyy. For the photos, you can go to and have a look. Cheers!

Here are some "Behind the Scenes" captures:

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Australia Photo Tours - Prewedding Photography August 08

I will be touring Australia in August 08 for a Prewedding photo-session in Melbourne and Sydney. If you’d like your photos taken during my tours, you can save a lot on transportation, fiscal and visa. I will be touring with my assistant. She will provide you with Hair and Make-up full-time during our photo-session. She is good at choreographing too!

At this stage, I have two confirmed clients for a Prewedding photo-session in Melbourne and Sydney in August. Most probably, I will depart Melbourne on 17 August 08, Sunday.
Prewedding Outdoor (2 Days Photography)
1pc 30x20cm Designed Wedding Book 30 pages (70 photos)
1pc 60x90cm Canvas + Minimalist Frame
CD Containing all taken shots
Bonus: 3pcs of 40x60cm Canvas + Minimalist Frame

Additional Charges
2 Return Air Tickets SBY-MEL/SYD-SBY [For photographer + assistant]
Accommodation for 2 nights
A rental of gown and suit
Hair and Make up through-out the photo-session so we can start early and finish late everyday.
Transportation, fiscal and visa

Not Including:
Transportation between photo sites
Our 2 meals-a-day which have to be provided by clients (McDonald's is perfectly fine for us)
Entrance fees to photo sites
Photo-taking fees (if any)


· A security deposit of 20% is required to book in the dates with us

Thank you very much for your interests in us and we look forward to hearing from you soon.

We can be contacted by:

Email: Business Phone: +62 31 5914128 Fax: +62 31 5915899
Mobile: +62 81 7339 339 (Lisa)

Warm Regards,

Donny Kurniawan

An introduction to this blog

Hi my name is Donny and this is my blog, this is about practically everything that I have in mind or anything that is going on in my life that I want to share with you here. I dunno how bad this blog is gonna be but I am just tagging along.